

一 切看起來跟我出門時一模樣,但又瀰漫著不同的氛圍,我想我真的跟人交替著住在這個房間裡。榆樹街離這裡太遠,我想多個房客應該也不至於有什麼危險。

要 是不 是人而精靈的話,那不就更有趣了。等我出了門,一位莫約一呎高的小精靈就從我的床底下爬了出來,穿著淺綠色的衣服,紅色的尖帽子,頂上還有顆毛絨絨的小白 球,鞋子也是紅紅尖尖的。揉揉剛睡醒的眼睛,開始他的一天。像是逃學的孩子翻過校園圍牆般,這精靈吃力地爬上我的床鋪,這是他的操場。接著他會向攀岩一樣 地爬上我的椅子,登上書桌高地,攤開倒放的書本便是他的帳棚。接著他會用不知道從哪裡摘下的野菓子做派,我真擔心他把派放進烤箱的時候會不小心跌進去。午 後的時光是悠閒地,剛烤好熱騰騰的派與野莓茶。當接近黃昏的時候,他會從窗戶縫溜出去,竄到屋頂,搭著裝著受天空吸引而上升的人類願望的熱氣球,參加仲夏 夜的精靈盛宴。


Ha, sometimes I feel the same way ever since I departed from my ex-roommates. Maybe it's all still too me for me, it takes a couple seconds to take in the white coffee table landing on red carpet, the trendy bookshelf with random stuff other than books, and 20" iMAc on the turquoise computer table. If ones place reflects who he or she is, mine probably says contradiction and confusion. I went out of my way to break the routine, including moving all the way across the country and that bloody red carpet:P, but to fins myself mysteriously drifting back to the old microcosm. Can people change? And I miss my roommates and their leftover.
